Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Benefit Mutually with GOeureka { Hotel and Travelers!! }

Travellers will enjoy automatic post-booking discounts for their stays through GOeureka’s patent-pending rebooking feature. The GOeureka rebooking algorithm detects when a hotel rate drops, and automatically re-books an existing booking (qualified bookings that have not passed and are within valid cancellation policies) at the lower rate. Travellers will be notified of their discounted stay.

When hotels choose to drop their rates on the GOeureka platform, they will receive a summary report on the affected bookings and the total discounts provided by the rate cut. This will allow hotels to make true informed decisions that are beneficial to themselves and their guests.  

Inequitable commissions to OTAs ultimately decrease hotels' margins and increase consumer prices

Consumers miss out accruing points and subsequently free hotel rewards

The manufactured bias through modified and reordered search results on OTA's ultimately costs consumers choice and value

The main feature of GOeureka
The GOeureka platform is adapted to various devices and is easy to use. Project-made intelligence quickly finds hotels that meet client needs according to the parameters given. A user can specify any selection criteria, including prices for accommodation, choice of food and kitchen options, views from windows, etc. GOeur they are trying to make holiday travelers as comfortable as possible.

GOeureka's vision
GO has a plan to create an online ecosystem where businesses grow by offering the best services to tourists. As a technology partner for the hotel industry, GO will offer applications and web experiences that are simple and direct to users without high commissions on most sites. By freeing up resources for hotels, GO will enable them to offer better value and customer service with their resources.

Benefits of GOeureka
This project is based on blockchain technology that can be relied upon to store user data in the system. It is almost impossible to hack because data is stored on distributed network nodes. Thanks to KYS registration, a traveler is protected from fraud - only real hotels can register on GOeureka.

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Benefit Mutually with GOeureka { Hotel and Travelers!! }

Travellers will enjoy automatic post-booking discounts for their stays through GOeureka’s patent-pending rebooking feature. The GOeure...