Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Benefit Mutually with GOeureka { Hotel and Travelers!! }

Travellers will enjoy automatic post-booking discounts for their stays through GOeureka’s patent-pending rebooking feature. The GOeureka rebooking algorithm detects when a hotel rate drops, and automatically re-books an existing booking (qualified bookings that have not passed and are within valid cancellation policies) at the lower rate. Travellers will be notified of their discounted stay.

When hotels choose to drop their rates on the GOeureka platform, they will receive a summary report on the affected bookings and the total discounts provided by the rate cut. This will allow hotels to make true informed decisions that are beneficial to themselves and their guests.  

Inequitable commissions to OTAs ultimately decrease hotels' margins and increase consumer prices

Consumers miss out accruing points and subsequently free hotel rewards

The manufactured bias through modified and reordered search results on OTA's ultimately costs consumers choice and value

The main feature of GOeureka
The GOeureka platform is adapted to various devices and is easy to use. Project-made intelligence quickly finds hotels that meet client needs according to the parameters given. A user can specify any selection criteria, including prices for accommodation, choice of food and kitchen options, views from windows, etc. GOeur they are trying to make holiday travelers as comfortable as possible.

GOeureka's vision
GO has a plan to create an online ecosystem where businesses grow by offering the best services to tourists. As a technology partner for the hotel industry, GO will offer applications and web experiences that are simple and direct to users without high commissions on most sites. By freeing up resources for hotels, GO will enable them to offer better value and customer service with their resources.

Benefits of GOeureka
This project is based on blockchain technology that can be relied upon to store user data in the system. It is almost impossible to hack because data is stored on distributed network nodes. Thanks to KYS registration, a traveler is protected from fraud - only real hotels can register on GOeureka.

GOeureka Blockchain Hotel Booking Platform

GOeureka is an online booking platform that leverages blockchain technology to tackle current issues in the travel industry such as high commission structures imposed by online travel agencies (OTAs) and the fragmented loyalty programmes within the hotel industry. The platform is a partially decentralised web and app platform to provide travellers and hotels direct access to communicate with each other. 

GOeureka’s technical roadmap presents plans for a fully decentralized platform, as well as a loyalty network blockchain to facilitate interoperable loyalty points across the travel industry and possibly across the retail industry. This technical whitepaper outlines the technology behind the platform and the data that will be processed off-chain and on-chain.
Developer Stack:
Ø  HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ionic Framework (Frontend)
Ø  Python, Django, Golang, NodeJS, Solidity, RESTful API (Backend)
Ø  PostgreSQL, AWS (DB & Hosting)
Ø  Ethereum Blockchain & ERC20 Smart Contracts

Why Ethereum blockchain?
The blockchain provides GOeureka with the required token economics needed to eliminate high commission fees and the ability to facilitate interoperable loyalty points. GOeureka’s platform also benefits from the distributed ledger technology that guarantees security and transparency across its platform.

GOeureka chose the Ethereum blockchain due to its flexible and extensible nature. The use of Ethereum smart contracts allows for the creation of “autonomous agents” that may be implemented throughout GOeureka’s platform to automate many processes and remove various third-parties that usually result in a slower process and multiple transaction fees that lead to high costs. 

While moving towards a fully decentralized platform, GOeureka will look into the adoption of key blockchain technologies such as zero knowledge proofs, off-chain computation solutions and recently introduced Ethereum technology like the Plasma and Raiden network.

Services Dashboard & CMS 
 Hotels will have access to a services dashboard and content management system (CMS) that interacts with GOeureka’s mobile application. Hotels are able to list services that they provide and directly communicate with guests during their stay. Hotels may subscribe to the following services:  
Ø  Housekeeping
Ø  Concierge services
Ø  Live chat
Ø  Room service
Ø  Events 
In-app notifications will alert hotels when guests require a particular service. Hotels may update information and ongoing events in the vicinity, as well as their room service menu via the CMS.

Mobile Application Platform  
The mobile application platform will act as an extension of the web application, with the same consumer-related functions. Additional mobile app functions are detailed below.  

Check-in & Check-out  
As consumer data will be shared between GOeureka and hotels, the consumers will have a seamless check-in experience during their stay. Upon registration, GOeureka collects personal identifiable information, which will be encrypted and stored off-chain. This information will be used to facilitate the check-in process since users are already authenticated on the GOeureka platform. Unique identifiers will be matched with data from the hotel’s central reservation system and consumers are able to check-in directly on the mobile app.   The check-in experience will consist of 3 simple steps:  
1. Select booking (reservation for the day)
2. Fill up optional information (hotels may request additional information to cater and personalize the consumers stay – e.g. Room upgrade, Types of pillow)
3. Check-in to room  
Check-in requests will be automatically approved as long as certain prerequisites like the check-in time or booking deposit are fulfilled.  

Guests may check-out of their stay through a similar process, but will be redirected to the payment page, where they may choose from GOeureka’s various payment methods to settle their vacation bill: 
1. Check-out of stay
2. Fill up check-out form (hotels may ask if guests have minibar consumption, guests may approve additional charges from in-room dining, etc.)
3. Redirect to payment page

Hotel Services  
Upon check-in, authentication tokens will be sent to GOeureka’s hotel CMS and guests will be matchmade with the hotel they have checked into once tokens are authenticated in the backend. Hotels and guests will have direct access to each other and will be able to communicate for the duration of the stay. Guests will be entitled to the aforementioned hotel services, depending on what hotels make available.  

GOeureka Introduces Blockchain Hotel Booking Platform

GOeureka is a travel tech company utilising blockchain technology to build a hotel booking platform. Our mission is to decentralise the hotel booking sector and deliver greater transparency by allowing hotels to directly connect with their customers. As a technology partner to hotels, GO aims to provide a dynamic digital experience to users and eradicate the high commission structures imposed by online travel agents. By reducing the financial commitments of hotels to third-party booking platforms, GO’s vision is to enable hotels to focus more resources on providing better intrinsic value and services to travellers around the globe.

Platform Overview
GOeureka aims to develop an easy to use, reliable Facility and Services booking system with persistent indisputable records. As with all new systems, much of what is proposed will evolve over time as requirements change. The web platform will be developed with a backend built on the Python Django framework while individual components will be built using a mix of programming languages (HTML, CSS, Javascript, Golang, etc.) and the mobile application built on the Ionic framework. The database will be a PostgreSQL database that runs on a cloud server (Amazon Web Service) with certain data validated and stored on the Ethereum blockchain. Smart contracts will be ERC20 compliant (though newer standards may be applied after the time of writing) and customized using Solidity. 

ERC20 smart contracts will be utilized for the security and immutability of data throughout the platform. To increase performance and keep transaction fees to a minimum, individual transactions and bookings will be kept outside of the blockchain. The settlement of all transactions will occur off-chain and fulfilled transactions will be aggregated each day and sent through the smart contract to be validated and stored on the blockchain. 

Room Key  
To provide full self-service capabilities, GOeureka will also provide a room key feature on the mobile app. The availability of the mobile room key depends on the hotel’s physical infrastructure, but hotels with smart locks or keypad locks will have the room key feature integrated on GOeureka’s app.  

GOeureka will integrate available developer APIs by major smart lock providers. This technology makes use of encrypted Bluetooth technology, where authenticated data is sent from the GOeureka app through the guest’s mobile device to the smart lock network which then unlocks a guest’s room. Bluetooth technology is found to be a safer alternative due to encryption and authentication methods available for Bluetooth transmission as opposed to Wi-Fi protocols that are easily spied on by other users on the same Wi-Fi network.

Payment Process

1. The processing fee is charged by the crypto payment service provider
2. Transaction costs increase due to blockchain congestion
3. Transaction speed for on-chain settlement
4. Interface customization and payment protocol

Loyalty Programmes 
Hotel loyalty programmes will be integrated into the GOeureka platform, where travellers may earn loyalty points from the hotels they have booked. Necessary APIs will be provided for hotels to link their loyalty database with GOeureka. This will help facilitate the interoperable loyalty points detailed in GOeureka’s official whitepaper.   GOeureka will send and retrieve data from the hotel’s database to provide real-time updates for users to track their points and for hotels to track points that users have redeemed with GOeureka.   Research shows that 70% of customers do not sign up for a loyalty programme due to inconvenience and time costs associated with registering for a programme . With GOeureka, 1 registration for a loyalty programme is processed and verified in the backend. Customers will only be required to fill up an online registration form or, if they are already registered loyalty members, they only need to provide their pre-registered details (e.g. member ID) and the platform will link and display their loyalty details.  



Tuesday, November 6, 2018

ICO Review: Rentberry

What is Rentberry?

Rentberry is a new-to-blockchain rental housing platform. Rentberry is not a typical blockchain start-up, in that they already have an established platform and users (tenants and landlords). They are relatively new however, only going live early 2017, and the blockchain leveraged upgrade of their platform has yet to be implemented. Their business currently caters to cities in the U.S.A.

The purpose of Rentberry’s Initial Token Sale (ITS), and conversion to blockchain is to (1) raise capital to expand internationally, and (2) reduce inefficiencies, inconveniences, and insecurities present in the rental housing market today.

Rentberry’s use case is that although the number of renters has substantially increased, with the average person renting until 40 years of age, there remains a number of problems in the current rental housing ecosystem. These include: (1) tedious rental applications, (2) frequent bidding wars with other prospective tenants without transparency on the current bid, (3), uncomfortable face-to-face negotiations, and (4) frozen security deposit assets regardless of tenant’s credentials and track record, to name a few.
Rentberry claims to make this process less costly, more convenient, secure, and transparent.

Less costly: Agents and brokers sometimes charge additional fees for minimal services, and landlords for tenants to freeze thousands in rental security deposits. Rentberry will eliminate the need for agents and brokers by allowing peer to peer rental negotiations, agreements, and executions. Rentberry will also provide a crowdsourced security deposit network which will effectively unfreeze security deposits to generate interest.

Convenient: Many practices still involve posting listings or classified ads in local newspapers. Websites are available such as Craiglist, Zillow, Rightmove, Zoopla, but provide limited information on properties, and no support for contracts rent collection, maintenance requests etc. Rentberry will provide a platform with all services in one place, including screening prospective tenants, negotiating, e-signing contracts, paying rent, and hiring third-party providers. Landlords can reject or accept applications in a single click, while providing them with market data to make educated decisions about pricing. The same goes for tenants.
Transparent: Tenants will be able to see other bids on the property. They will also be able to adjust their bids, making this a true auctionary platform. Tenants and landlords will be able to rate each other by submitting reviews. Both parties can access each other’s rental activity via the blockchain. Credit reports, background checks, social media, bankruptcy records, eviction history, and past due account information will also be combined with this information and processed by Rentberry’s backend scoring system to create a tenant / landlord score from 1,000-10,000.

Secure: The platform will be transported to the blockchain, and BERRY used a means of transacting. Scheduling, internal communications, renter and landlord profiles and scores, will all be stored securely and cryptographically on the blockchain. Tenant history will only be available to landlords upon application for a rental, when the tenant cryptographically signs the application with their private key.

Other proprietary features:

Syndication: Using BERRY tokens, landlords can promote their listing not only on Rentberry.com but on additional rental sites that join the ‘Rentberry syndicate’.
Crowdsourced Security Deposit Network: Members of Rentberry will be able to utilize BERRY to fund other tenants’ rental security deposits as a type of loan. They will have access to tenant history, information and scores. The benefit to funders will be in the form of interest (3-7%) and ‘other’ rewards for tenants. Unfortunately it does not seem that Rentberry has fully established how this will work, and why funders would want to lock up their BERRY in this investment, which may be subject not only to BERRY currency value fluctuations, but dependent on the tenant not causing damage. An investor could make 3-7% with more safety in the stock market, or much more with riskier crypto investments. Additionally, not having tenants pay a deposit might remove some of the incentive for them to take good care of their rental.

Auctioning technology: Rentberry believes its technology used to negotiate bidding is intellectual property and is currently filing for patent protection. The technology allegedly will allow for landlords to appropriately price their property effectively in any market conditions, and tenants the ability to seamlessly and transparently negotiate and compete with other tenants. Of note, the application cost for a rental is 1000 BERRY. Any successful rental will have 950 BERRY go towards initial payment, and 50 to Rentberry as a fee. All unsuccessful applications will have funds returned.
Integrations with blockchain and other companies: Rentberry mentions potential collaboration with CIVIC for biometric identity verification, and APII for verified education and professional records. They also mention integration with third party service providers and utility companies to provide seamless utility bill payments. These are purely hypothetical at the time of writing.

Smart locks: Team is currently working on smart lock technology that can be used by landlords to unlock a rental for a potential tenant to view the property. Identity would be confirmed by CIVIC, and the previous issue in this space of electronic lock battery life would be solved by using power from the tenants connected smartphone.
Data generation and utilization: The Rentberry platform will utilize a common theme in blockchain space: data decentralization. The platform, with all data stored on the platform, will offer tenants and landlords the option of commercializing said data to be accessed by third parties. This will be under the control of the user, compliant with security and privacy laws, and will reward users in BERRY. Not noted, is what contact information will be provided to these companies, if users opt for that level of data disclosure. We all know that once your email is out there, there is very little control over whose hands it ends up in. Therefore, this information would ideally be conducted within the Rentberry platform.

Usecase for the BERRY token:
The BERRY token will be used for all payments on the platform. Landlords, after collecting rent in BERRY, can pay for promotion, invest in security deposits, and hire maintenance providers. Tenants can make rental payments in BERRY. Thus fees associated with credit cards, wire transfers, bounced checks, etc will be removed, and security of transaction with the immutable blockchain ledger.

Alex Lubinksy - CEO
Investment banking executive. Degree in Economics and Business Administration. Financial analyst at Cisco, consultant for Deloitte, Director positions at investment firms, and Co-Founder of CityHour, a business networking app.

Lily Ostapchuk – Co-Founder and CPO
Was also CPO at CityHour. Marketing director for a property management company, and a Ukraine News agency. MSc in International Relations.

Aleksey Perfilov – Co-founder and CTO
BA, Computer Science (UC Berkeley). MSc. Management Science and Engineering (Standford). Also worked at CityHour. Software engineer at Phoenix Technologies, Altera, Hi5, and Amazon Music (still works there presently).

Notable Team Members:
Serge Gritsenko – COO
Agile Development experience, Program Manager for ROLIK, Bazelevs (media group), and DIGI, including vast experience managing developers and designers. Degree in Business Economics.

Denys Golubovskiy – Blockchain Developer
Rentberry position includes developing REST APIs for AngularJS, setup infrastructure for the project on Amazon Web Services, managing development team and estimate features. Previously backend developer for Afterplay (iOS apps) and Trinetex (diversified software IT company). MSc in Informational Security Management.

Eugene Terentev – Senior Software Engineer
Has worked as a freelancer, Big Data analytics software development for ZEO, Web developer for a number of companies before that.

David Sviatozhenvsky – Software Engineer
PHP specialist. BS in Software Engineering. Previously worked as a PHP developer for Miritec (software services company), and Kijiji (an ebay company).

Eugene Kurasov – Web Developer
Exclusively PHP developer for Tonic Health, iGid, and CodeIT. Attended a University of Radio Electronics.

Alex Svityashchuk - Software Developer
Web application developer for Universal Commerce Group (present), Global Games, Nadavi Trade System. PHP developer for Miritec. BS in Software Engineering, MS in System Software.

The following paragraphs outline some problems evident in Rentberry’s whitepaper and proposed platform, at the time of writing. These are not meant to discourage or encourage investing, but to provide insight on some of the challenges Rentberry will face. An analysis of any blockchain company would identify many challenges. The scaling issues being addressed by bitcoin at time of writing are one good example.
• Rentberry’s website has some formatting issues that were apparent on first use. This is surprising for an already established business and given the company team has many (5) frontend developers.
• The bonus structure of their main ICO (volume bonus for purchasing 5+ETH and for large 300 ETH purchasers) is not good practice. See Vitalik Buterin’s tweet for the reasoning.
• There is a clear unevenness in demand on their platform, as they have 224,000 properties listed, but only 4000 rental applications processed. Additionally, given they have already raised 4 million in capital and now need to raise more, it seems unlikely that they are currently profitable.
• It is stated in their whitepaper that landlords, collecting rent, could use the BERRY to pay for promotion of their properties. This assumes that the landlord has more than one property to rent, which is probably not the case for the average landlord.
• It is concerning that there is no process outlined in the whitepaper to ensure liquidity of BERRY. In general, a conversion of the platform completely to BERRY assumes that cryptocurrencies have mass adoption, and this BERRY could then be used or easily converted to a currency to be used in the real world. Given the current state of crypto, landlords will want to liquidate their rent payments to fiat so that they can use them (and also not expose themselves to currency fluctuations). This doesn’t seem incredibly convenient, even though Rentberry’s stated purpose is to make the rental process more convenient for all parties. Other blockchain companies in this space seem to offer rental payments converted automatically to any ERC20 token.
• It is also advisable to go through their original bitcointalk forum and their newer one, as there are some fraud allegations, although these have not been proven or disproven. These forums are also filled with many good questions with answers provided directly from the rentberry team.

Benefit Mutually with GOeureka { Hotel and Travelers!! }

Travellers will enjoy automatic post-booking discounts for their stays through GOeureka’s patent-pending rebooking feature. The GOeure...