Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Sobre o projeto :
INGOT - em seu temperamento que esta etapa é que o elo de ligação desta criptomoeda com o mercado fiat. Mas esta empresa não é novata neste assunto. A equipe tem funcionado por um bom tempo, especialmente em 1993. No mesmo período, esse negócio oferece um grande volume de serviços na indústria, o que significa seu desenvolvimento e a perspectiva de implementar essa noção neste projeto. Por esse motivo, a empresa removerá todos os intermediários possíveis que usam esse mundo, o que pode simplificar o processo de troca de uma moeda para outra e, ao mesmo tempo, tornar o processo o mais seguro e transparente possível. Além disso, isso é conseguido através do uso de tecnologia como blockchain. Por causa dessa tecnologia, as pessoas podem confiar na segurança em suas próprias finanças, além de transparência máxima.
Este projeto contém vários componentes, que serão considerados agora. Essas partículas são seis pedaços. Graças a eles, o conjunto de ferramentas muito conveniente é alcançado, o que é crucial para qualquer trader, e faz uma troca extremamente conveniente envolvendo seu mundo de criptografia e a classe mundial fiat.

MOEDA DE COBERTURA Recursos e benefícios
O Ingot Coin é um ecossistema descentralizado que visa colmatar o fosso entre o mercado da criptografia e os mercados tradicional e financeiro. Essa plataforma resolverá os diferentes problemas dos mercados existentes e, ao mesmo tempo, promoverá os trusts. Em meu artigo anterior, aqui, eu declarei os 6 principais componentes desse ecossistema e, neste artigo em particular, estarei lançando mais luz sobre o que eles oferecem.

Esta não é a típica criptomoeda da troca financeira, pois permite que seus usuários negociem alternadamente entre qualquer mercado de sua escolha. Com a troca de IC, os comerciantes podem agora negociar entre os seguintes pares de negociação;
1. Fiat VS Fiat
2. Crypto VS Fiat
3. Crypto VS Crypto
4. Cripto VS Tradicional
5. tradicional VS Fiat
Ao contrário dos atuais sistemas em que o mercado de criptografia carece de liquidez e de uma estratégia de saída viável, os operadores de criptomoedas que precisam liquefazer suas posições agora podem negociar suas moedas criptografadas diretamente por decreto na mesma bolsa em que negociam por outros pares de criptografia. agora compram commodities tradicionais no mercado tradicional em uma plataforma aberta e fácil de usar, ao contrário do que acontece atualmente quando há altas barreiras à entrada nos mercados tradicionais.

O intercâmbio IC também é integrado a vários outros recursos inovadores que garantirão uma melhor experiência do usuário para os traders. alguns desses recursos incluem um sistema inventivo de correspondência de pedidos e um livro de pedidos líquido.

Ferramentas que Ajudarão a Caça Ingênua a Alcançar Seu Objetivo
Carteira IC
Na plataforma INGOTCOIN, é uma carteira de criptografia baseada em blockchain projetada para manter os ativos digitais no ecossistema. Os usuários podem fazer uso da carteira para transferir, proteger e economizar criptomoedas abertas no mercado com facilidade e segurança. A carteira usa um sistema signatário de vários estágios para garantir a segurança do fundo dos participantes e permite que os usuários enviem e recebam tokens de outras carteiras de criptografia. Além disso, a carteira tem um banco digital IC, onde os participantes podem usar moedas fiat e digital de forma intercambiável.

IC Exchange
O INGOT COIN Exchange é incorporado de forma segura com a carteira digital, a corretora e o Banco Digital do ecossistema IC, com uma plataforma fácil de usar, uma plataforma completa de negociação de criptomoedas. Essa troca contará com as principais moedas e ICOs recentemente emitidas para dar um espectro de moeda amplo totalmente diversificado para os usuários.

Banco digital de IC
O INGOT COIN Digital Bank é projetado para oferecer um sistema de confirmação de pagamentos automatizado incessante com serviços de custódia muito eficientes. O Banco ajudará igualmente as funções de corretagem IC e IC Exchange e oferecerá dispositivos on-line todos os dias, como pagamentos eletrônicos. Além disso, os clientes podem abrir uma conta com vários bancos, sejam eles atuais ou de poupança, mesmo que o banco ofereça gerenciamento de fundos para todas as partes interessadas e auxilie suas atividades de negociação.

Corretagem IC
Dentro do ecossistema, este componente será um hub que contém sistema de preços de mercado efetivo, liquidez, acesso a produtos financeiros como metais, energias, moedas fiduciárias, ETFs, agricultura etc.
Este componente também é integrado ao IC Exchange e ao IC Wallet, o que, em seguida, oferece aos investidores as oportunidades de participar de muitos negócios.
Além disso, os usuários podem aproveitar esse componente para expandir seus investimentos, bem como o hedge.

Certificador IC Crypto
O objetivo deste componente é direcionar e educar os participantes no espaço criptográfico sobre a tecnologia blockchain, o que é obtido por meio de cursos associados, como TI, criptografia, etc. Os candidatos aprovados receberão um certificado diferenciado que será reconhecido mundialmente.

Acelerador IC ICO
Este componente será usado para promover visões e novas ideias, desbloqueando assim o financiamento de todos os projetos inovadores.
Dentro deste componente;
uma. Os próximos projetos poderão captar recursos que sejam obtidos com o aproveitamento dos serviços prestados pela INGOT COIN, serviços como criação de white papers, estratégias de marketing, etc.

b. Ele também irá liderar os próximos projetos de blockchain para listar seus tokens nas trocas de IC por uma taxa amigável.

Informação ICO
Token IC
Preço 1 IC = 1 USD
Bounty Disponível
Plataforma Ethereum
Aceitando USD, ETH, BTC, XRP
Tampa macia 37.000.000 USD
Tampa dura 90.000.000 USD

País Estônia

Se você quiser saber mais sobre as próximas plataformas INGOT COIN e Token Sale, consulte o Whitepaper ou visite os links abaixo;
Telegram Group : https://t.me/INGOTCoin

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


Dealjoy is a privacy-focused global cashback platform designed to connect online shoppers with their favorite merchants to provide instant crypto cashbacks.

We believe that a truly private cashback platform is need-ed for the worldwide online shopping industry to provide the global audience with competitive cashback rates with-out compromising users’ privacy.

Dealjoy operates between customers and online merchants by negotiating and onboarding the best affiliate deals. As our members proceed to an online store through the Deal-joy platform, they will receive cashback commissions for their purchases, with virtually no identifying personal in-formation given to a third party.

Global and anonymous micro-payments have been made possible through the ongoing mass adoption of cryptocur-rencies. Using blockchain technologies and our ERC-20 standardized token called DEAL, cashbacks will be provid-ed privately, globally, and instantly without minimum pay-out limits.

Full GDPR compliance, anonymous instant payments, and a possibility for customers to stay completely unidentified by the cashback platform represent a whole new standard in the affiliate industry.

All purchases made by members will automatically be tracked, and commissions will be paid in DEAL tokens as soon as the vendor confirms the purchase, which usually initiates in almost real-time.

In addition to the basic model of operation— referring our users to online stores to obtain cashbacks on all their purchases—the Dealjoy platform will include product and category-specific deals for our members to benefit from. These deals will be available on the DealFeed, which will be integrated into the platform.

DealFeed is a whole new gamelike way to find and browse customized deals and offers by swiping. It is powered by the Dealjoy Matchmaking Algorithm (DMA) which utiliz-es machine learning and customer preferences to creat a customer-specific stream of interesting daily changing deals. These specific deals are obtained directly from the collaborating vendors and will offer our users even higher cashback rates.

Our philosophy is to provide members with freedom of choice. Our users can always withdraw their DEAL tokens to their personal Ethereum wallets or exchange accounts, trade them for other coins, or sell for fiat8 on external exchanges. On the other hand, members may want to keep their tokens in their Dealjoy wallets for future use in our platform.

For these users, we are introducing the DealShop, which will be an essential part of the platform. DealShop is a fully integrated online shop, including a variety of products, services, and gift vouchers from our partnering online shops. Orders made in DealShop can be paid exclusively in DEAL tokens, providing exciting real-world utility into the DEAL token ecosystem. Using DealShop doesn’t require tokens used for payment to be acquired through our cashback program; anyone can buy DEAL tokens from external exchanges and spend them on DealShop.

Token Details
Token symbol: DEAL
Max total supply: 1,400,000,000 DEAL
Token standard: ERC20
Initial rate 1ETH = 40,000 DEAL
Tokens for sale: 980,000,000 DEAL (70%)
Soft Cap: $1,700,000
Hard Cap: $8,400,000
The public pre-sale is scheduled for August 2018.

Retail e-commerce is predicted to rise from current yearly sales of $2304 billion to $4135 billion by 20203, summing up to an average annual growth of 21.52%.

The cashback industry is worth over $84 billion and grow-ing, while more than 100,000 e-commerce merchants are using cashbacks as a marketing tool and over 64% of con-sumers belong to a rewards site. In overall, more than 10% of online retail sales are generated by performance mar-keting affiliates, including cashback providers4.

At the same time, mass adoption of cryptocurrencies is on-going, with more than 10 million active wallets5 and total cryptocurrency market capitalization peaking at $800 bil-lion in early 20186.

As proven by these statistics, it is clear that there will be an increasing demand for blockchain-based cashback plat-forms designed to connect customers and online retailers for mutual benefits.

If you want to learn more about the upcoming Dealjoy, Dealjoy Tim, and Token Sale platforms, see the Whitepaper or visit the links below;
Website :  https://dealjoy.io/
Telegram : https://t.me/dealjoy


In addition to the basic model of operation— referring our users to online stores to obtain cashbacks on all their purchases—the Dealjoy platform will include product and category-specific deals for our members to benefit from. These deals will be available on the DealFeed, which will be integrated into the platform.

DealFeed is a whole new gamelike way to find and browse customized deals and offers by swiping. It is powered by the Dealjoy Matchmaking Algorithm (DMA) which utiliz-es machine learning and customer preferences to creat a customer-specific stream of interesting daily changing deals. These specific deals are obtained directly from the collaborating vendors and will offer our users even higher cashback rates.

Retail e-commerce is predicted to rise from current yearly sales of $2304 billion to $4135 billion by 20203, summing up to an average annual growth of 21.52%.

The cashback industry is worth over $84 billion and grow-ing, while more than 100,000 e-commerce merchants are using cashbacks as a marketing tool and over 64% of con-sumers belong to a rewards site. In overall, more than 10% of online retail sales are generated by performance mar-keting affiliates, including cashback providers4.

At the same time, mass adoption of cryptocurrencies is on-going, with more than 10 million active wallets5 and total cryptocurrency market capitalization peaking at $800 bil-lion in early 20186.

As proven by these statistics, it is clear that there will be an increasing demand for blockchain-based cashback plat-forms designed to connect customers and online retailers for mutual benefits.

Affiliate shopping networks have been a thing for quite a while, but traditional payment methods used to pay members are expensive in fees and require a lot of private details, time, and bureaucracy.

Existing platforms utilize bank transfers, paper checks, and online payment processors such as PayPal to pay their cus-tomers. These payment methods are not private nor tru-ly global and include various fees, such reducing cashback commissions and invading the privacy of users.

The affiliate industry is often accused of handling confiden-tial customer data unethically to increase their revenues1. This is made possible by customers needing to provide per-sonal information and agreeing to questionable terms in order to receive what they are owed. Submitting private information to cashback providers along with personal or-der history is something customers understandably want to avoid.

Another problem, from the user’s point of view, is the delay between purchasing goods and receiving the commission. On the existing platforms, it may take up to three months to receive the actual cashback. That is a long wait, and far from the customer’s ideal.

A consumer research report by RetailMeNot2 Inc summed up the key preferences of cashback customers:

 96% prefer not to use mail-in rebates
 70% prefer payment in a form other than a check
 more than 55% prefer to redeem cashback offers online
 nearly 50% found cashback offers challenging to re-deem

These results exhibit, once again, that consumers want faster payouts, more convenient cashback platforms, and modern payment methods.

Our revolutionary solution to the problem is the Dealjoy platform, which pays out cashback commissions in our own Ethereum compatible DEAL tokens.

This allows us to concentrate on finding the best deals and bonuses for our members instead of dealing with inter-national wire transfers, consequently requiring minimum payout limits and cutting down cashback percentages due to high payment processing expenses

Dealjoy cashbacks are paid out near-instantly and without a minimum threshold. Members can withdraw their well-earned DEAL tokens to their wallets any time to be traded for other cryptocurrencies, or held for potential value ap-preciation. Our community-driven token model works to the benefit of token holders, lessening the circulating sup-ply and creating buying pressure by repurchasing tokens to be distributed back to the community as commissions.

Thanks to the nature of the blockchain-based ecosystem, no identifying personal information is required of our members. As cryptocurrency supporters and visionaries ourselves, personal data protection is our top priority. We are confident that our community will greatly appreciate this transparent and privacy-conscious approach.

If you want to learn more about the upcoming Dealjoy, Dealjoy Tim, and Token Sale platforms, see the Whitepaper or visit the links below;
Website :  https://dealjoy.io/
Telegram : https://t.me/dealjoy


What is DEALJOY?
Dealjoy is a privacy-focused global cashback platform designed to connect online shoppers with their favorite merchants to provide instant crypto cashbacks.

We believe that a truly private cashback platform is need-ed for the worldwide online shopping industry to provide the global audience with competitive cashback rates with-out compromising users’ privacy.

Dealjoy operates between customers and online merchants by negotiating and onboarding the best affiliate deals. As our members proceed to an online store through the Deal-joy platform, they will receive cashback commissions for their purchases, with virtually no identifying personal in-formation given to a third party.

Global and anonymous micro-payments have been made possible through the ongoing mass adoption of cryptocur-rencies. Using blockchain technologies and our ERC-20 standardized token called DEAL, cashbacks will be provid-ed privately, globally, and instantly without minimum pay-out limits.

Full GDPR compliance, anonymous instant payments, and a possibility for customers to stay completely unidentified by the cashback platform represent a whole new standard in the affiliate industry.

Our primary business model is to provide our members with access to their favorite online retailers, from which Dealjoy will obtain commissions to be shared with the members per their eligible purchases.

Dealjoy will keep a maximum of 20% of the income received from affiliate partners to pay for the general business and platform costs and to follow the long-term marketing, de-velopment and token burn strategies. The rest—a minimum of 80% of the acquired cashback funds—will be paid out to our members per their eligible purchases. As member pay-outs are carried out in DEAL tokens, Dealjoy will continu-ously purchase tokens from external exchanges.

Affiliate partners pay commissions within a month from the commission-entitled purchase. To ensure continuous token reserve and liquidity for instant cashbacks, 10% of the total initial DEAL token supply is allocated in the com-pany reserve.

Since affiliate partners pay commissions in fiat, and cash-backs to our members are paid in DEAL tokens, a constant reserve of tokens is required to be maintained by Dealjoy. All the tokens that are paid to our members as cashbacks will be bought from external exchanges, which means that more than 80% of Dealjoy’s cashback related revenue will be used to buy tokens. This buyback model ensures con-tinuous buying volume for the token, supporting our value growth strategy.

A part of the revenue generated by the Dealjoy platform will be used to buy DEAL tokens from external markets to be burned, decreasing the total supply of tokens and in-creasing the value of the token and our platform in general. The burned tokens will be removed permanently from the circulation and will not be accessible to any use ever after. This strategy is implemented to stimulate higher demand for tokens, leaving the token holders with increased pur-chasing power.

Dealjoy will use 1% of revenue to buy tokens for burn-ing. The maximum amount of tokens burnt per year is 100,000,000 DEAL and the minimum token total supply is 200,000,000 DEAL. When the minimum cap is reached by burning tokens, no more tokens will be burnt.

If you want to learn more about the upcoming Dealjoy, Dealjoy Tim, and Token Sale platforms, see the Whitepaper or visit the links below;
Website :  https://dealjoy.io/
Telegram : https://t.me/dealjoy

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